An uninteresting diary.

This article is a machine translation.

Summary of Fate/Grand Order plagiarism allegations at this stage

This article is written in both English and Japanese.


A list of plagiarism-suspect servants on FGO.
Please understand that it is only a suspicion except for some.






Profile One.... suspicion of plagiarism

Plagiarized a translation from this personal site.

This personal site is operated by Mr. Shinobu Takesako who has written many papers.



この個人サイトは、論文をいくつも執筆されている「竹迫 忍」氏の運営するサイトです。


The red underlined areas are the areas that we think were plagiarized.
In this personal site, Mr. Takesako translated the text of Mr. P.M.Halma from Greek to French into English and further translated into Japanese.


Profile 2....plagiarism is confirmed.

The FGO management company acknowledged the plagiarism and apologized for the incident.
(But that apology is being treated as a "glitch" category.)
Homer's Hymn to the Gods" (translated by Yoshihiko Kutsugake and published by Chikuma Shobo, Chikuma Gakugei Bunko) was damaged.


ホメーロスの諸神賛歌」(沓掛良彦様訳、筑摩書房様 刊行 ちくま学芸文庫)が被害を受けました。


Click here to apologize for the plagiarism on the official FGO website

【ご報告とお詫び】「ディオスクロイ」のフレーバーテキストの修正につきまして | Fate/Grand Order 公式サイト

Click here to read Morise's apology for being subcontracted to investigate the anecdote

クロノクラフト − 森瀬繚 文藝工房




Fate/Grand Order material Ⅷ ... suspicion of plagiarism

Fate/Grand Order material Ⅷ内に剽窃の疑い



the victim of plagiarism is "Napoleon: The End of the Czar's Tyranny" (page 570, published by Takashi Nagatsuka, Bunshun Bunko).

The source of the literature was given to us by the administrator of that personal site.

剽窃元と疑われているのは、「ナポレオン 下巻 覇者専横の末路」(長塚隆二著 刊行 文春文庫) 570ページ。(文献の出典は、その個人サイトの管理人が教えていただいた)


However, for the following reasons, there is now an allegation that he plagiarized the above book from personal website "Senate Museum of Private Materials".


 Summary: There is a typographical error in the quotation of a personal site, and the quotation does not correspond to the original "Napoleon: The End of the Czar's Tyranny". Fate/Grand Order material VII has the same typo. So there is a strong suspicion that FGO did not purchase the above book and requoted it from a personal site. 

要約:個人サイトが引用する際に誤字があり、引用元の「ナポレオン 下巻 覇者専横の末路」と一致しない箇所がある。Fate/Grand Order material Ⅶにも同じ誤字があるため、上記の本を購入せずに、個人サイトから孫引きした可能性がある。

Of course, it's also possible that FGO cited the same references and misspelled them in the same way. (Even then, the problem arises because it's not in the form of a citation.)



Here's a blog post from someone who verified the plagiarism. (It's written in Japanese.)


ナポレオンの剽窃疑惑とそこから見えてくるもの。 - ivforafuの日記


Qin Liangyu


It's not plagiarism.




Antonio Salieri (under verification)


Fate/Grand Order material VII ...... suspicion of plagiarism


the victim of plagiarism is "The Court Musician who was erased by Salieri Mozart" (By Akiyoshi Mizutani, 2004)

剽窃の被害を受けたのは、「サリエーリ ーモーツァルトに消された宮廷楽長」 (著 水谷彰良 2004)と思われます。

On page 107 of Fate/Grand Order material VII, there is a conversation between Rohoritz and Salieri.
This sentence matched "The Court Musician who was erased by Salieri Mozart" (By Akiyoshi Mizutani, 2004). p.177

Fate/Grand Order material VIIの107ページにロホリッツとサリエリの会話がありますが、この文章が、「サリエーリ ーモーツァルトに消された宮廷楽長」 (著 水谷彰良 2004)p.177と一致しました。


There is a detailed verification result in this article. (This article was written in Japanese only.)



There are other allegations, but let's see if there really was plagiarism.
I encourage you to actually compare the books.