An uninteresting diary.

This article is a machine translation.

Do you know the plagiarism of the smartphone game "Fate / Grand Order?"

Note: I am Japanese and my English is not very good.

Let me start by saying that this article is very personal.




Until the plagiarism was discovered

 In April 2020, "Dioscuro" was implemented as a new character in Japan's "Fate/Grand Order".
2020年4月、日本の「Fate/Grand Order」に、新しいキャラクターとして「ディオスクロイ」が実装された。

On April 27, one point was made on Twitter by a fan of the game about its Dioscuro.
"I wonder if a character's description is plagiarized from a particular book.
(The tweet that pointed it out has already been deleted).



Fans suspected that Fate / Grand Order had plagiarized from "Homer's Anthem" (translated by Yoshihiko Kutsukake, published by Chikuma Shobo, Chikuma Gakugei Bunko).
そのファンは、Fate / Grand Orderのディオスクロイの説明文は「ホメーロスの諸神賛歌」(沓掛良彦 訳、筑摩書房 刊行 ちくま学芸文庫)から剽窃したのではないか、と疑いました。



On May 13th, Fate/Grand Order's management company admitted that part of Dioscuro's description was plagiarism.
5月13日、Fate/Grand Orderの運営会社はディオスクロイの説明文の一部が剽窃である事を認めました。


 Problems in response

However, there was a buzz on the internet about the company being dishonest about its response.


 If you're worried about how Japanese players will react, try searching for "fgo 剽窃".

 日本のプレイヤーの反応が気になるのならば、「fgo 剽窃」で検索してみるといい。


Also, I think there are some issues with it.



 Problem 1: Plagiarism is called plagiarism.

 First of all, an "apology report" for plagiarism is treated as a "glitch".


The fact that the management company is treating the stealing as a "glitch" in the first place makes no sense.


 Moreover, there is yet another problem.


In 'Fate/Grand Order', 'Notification' will be shown every time you start the app. You can also view the latest information on the official website by opening the "News" section.

Fate/Grand Order」ではアプリを起動させると毎回「お知らせ」が表示される。公式サイトでも、「ニュース」を開くと、直近の情報を閲覧する事ができる。

However, articles in the "glitch" category can't be checked from the front page of the news.


Since the plagiarism apology exists in the "glitch" category, viewers have to bother going to the "glitch" category.


 In fact, if you go to the official website and take a look at it, you'll quickly see that it's hard to see the plagiarism apology.


 Problem 2: Lack of notice

 You would think,"It's certainly hard to access, but wouldn't it be a problem if you posted a link to the article with the apology on Twitter or some other tool?"


 As of 20:00 on May 14th, however, the official Twitter page of Fate/Grand Order didn't even tweet about plagiarism, let alone access an apology for plagiarism.

しかし、Fate/Grand Orderの公式ツイッターでは5月14日20時現在、剽窃の謝罪文へのアクセスどころか、剽窃した事すらツイートしていないのだ。

 The plagiarism apology says, "Fixed it at 16:30 update on Wed May 13th", but there's no mention of it on Twitter.

剽窃の謝罪文では、「5月13日(水) 16:30の更新で修正した」と書いてあるが、Twitterではそれについて一切触れられていない。

Even if you play the game every day or follow the official Fate/Grand Order Twitter, you can still have players who don't even know they're plagiarizing.

ゲームを毎日遊んでいても、Fate/Grand Orderの公式ツイッターをフォローしていても、剽窃した事すら知らないままのプレイヤーが発生しうるのだ。

 As a matter of general common sense, if a company has been grossly negligent, they will make an effort to make their response known. However, Fate/Grand Order's management company did no such thing.

一般常識として、企業が重大な過失をしたならば、対応を周知するように努力するだろう。しかし、Fate/Grand Orderの運営会社はそのような事をしなかった。

 It's as if they're acting as if they don't want people to know they're plagiarizing.


 Problem 3: Sloppy work.

There are other problems as well.


In the interview article linked below, Nasu Kinoko that supervisor of this game, sa answers this about creating a single Servant.
“It takes about a week or two for the writer in charge to read the material and create the Servant's setting.”
“It's the main writer's job to produce the Servant in charge.”


 However, the "materials" were actually collected by an outside company. As a result, plagiarism occurred because the writer in charge used text that had been left over from material collected by an outside contractor.


 In the following link, you can see the apology of the subcontractor.


 クロノクラフト − 森瀬繚 文藝工房

>先ごろ、スマートフォン向けゲーム『Fate/Grand Order』において、「ディオスクロイ」のギリシャローマ神話原典中のエピソードをリサーチする作業を当方にて外注でお請けしました。

>この際、提出したレポート中に参考文献のひとつである書籍『ホメーロスの諸神讚歌』(沓掛良彦様 訳、筑摩書房様 刊行 ちくま学芸文庫)の文言が残っている箇所があり、結果的にキャラクタープロフィールに流用が発生する原因を作ってしまいました。


If what the subcontractor said happened, then the writer in charge created the Servant without thinking creativeness.


What was it that "the writer in charge read the material and spent a week or two creating the Servant's setting"?


The contract between the writer in charge and the outsourcer is unclear, but it deviates from what was said in the interview.


That's a very sloppy creative attitude.



 Problem 4: Are they plagiarizing anything else?

There are other points of concern, such as the allegation that another part of Dioscuro's description was plagiarized from a personal site.

But, that's not a definite thing yet, Please use your own judgment.





The reputation of the "Fate brand" has taken a turn for the worse.

Because they're plagiarizing,and they have lost their pride as writers.



*1:It should be noted that the translator, Yoshihiko Kutsukake, is still alive and the copyright to this book still exists.