An uninteresting diary.

This article is a machine translation.

FGO サリエリの剽窃疑惑を検証 ~ロホリッツとサリエリの会話~




 『サリエーリ  モーツァルトに消された宮廷楽長』(著者 水谷 彰良  発行 音楽之友社 2004年 第一刷)  以下、「サリエーリ」と表記。

 『Fate/Grand Order material Ⅶ』(TYPE-MOON BOOKS 2020年発行)


Fate/Grand Order material Ⅶ 史上の実像・人物像

  • material Ⅶ p.107より引用





  • 「サリエーリ」p.177 より引用




掲載された該当する総合音楽新聞(Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung)の号は恐らくこれかもしれません。 



FGO側が、原文から日本語へ翻訳した場合には何も問題はありませんが、ここまで文章が一致し、かつFate/Grand Order material Ⅶが「サリエーリ」(2004年発行)より後に刊行された以上は、「FGO側が『サリエーリ』より翻訳文をコピーした」と考えるのが自然でしょう。(引用とするには改変があったり参考文献の明示がないなど、引用条件を満たせていません。)




35  Dokumente seines Lebens(Ⅲ).,p/335-336.


ニーメチェク、フランツ・クサヴァー Niemetscek, Franz Xaver (1766~1849)

モーツァルトの生涯 Leben des k.k. Kapellmeisters Wolfgang Gottlieb Mozart』(1798) 98,134,176,177,259   「サリエーリ」(索引12)















些事 サリエリの宝具について

 『サリエーリ  モーツァルトに消された宮廷楽長』(著者 水谷 彰良  発行 音楽之友社 2004年 第一刷) を引用しています。



  • FGO宝具名 「至高の神よ、我を憐れみたまえ (ディオ・サンティシモ・ミゼルコディア・ディ・ミ)
  • 「サリエーリ」(p276)【一八二四年】一月、サリエーリは次の言葉を書いたとされる――「至聖の神よ! 我を哀れみ給え Dio santissimo! Misericordia di me」


参考 大阪ハリストス正教会の解説 イイススの祈り

  • ラテン語の祈り Domine Iesu Christe, Fili Dei, miserere mei, peccatoris.
  • イタリア語(サリエーリ) Misericordia di me



前半の「 Dio santissimo!」・・・・「santissimo」=「最も神聖な(-issimoで最上級)」、「dio」=神。



















C、石柱廳志 ・・・などなど




















疑問 どうしてこのバージョン?

Q よく知られていて、日本でも調べることができる中国の資料「秦良玉史料集バージョン」などの詩を使わず、日本では入手の難しい「大明朝的另类史バージョン」の詩をわざわざ使ってるのは何故?














でもそれは剽窃ではないし、訂正する必要もない。 ただ、インタビューでライターのお仕事を、ほめてもらえるように大げさに言ってしまったんだね、となるだけ。 


補足 「すごく調べてサーヴァント作ってるよ!」というインタビュー








Summary of Fate/Grand Order plagiarism allegations at this stage

This article is written in both English and Japanese.


A list of plagiarism-suspect servants on FGO.
Please understand that it is only a suspicion except for some.






Profile One.... suspicion of plagiarism

Plagiarized a translation from this personal site.

This personal site is operated by Mr. Shinobu Takesako who has written many papers.



この個人サイトは、論文をいくつも執筆されている「竹迫 忍」氏の運営するサイトです。


The red underlined areas are the areas that we think were plagiarized.
In this personal site, Mr. Takesako translated the text of Mr. P.M.Halma from Greek to French into English and further translated into Japanese.


Profile 2....plagiarism is confirmed.

The FGO management company acknowledged the plagiarism and apologized for the incident.
(But that apology is being treated as a "glitch" category.)
Homer's Hymn to the Gods" (translated by Yoshihiko Kutsugake and published by Chikuma Shobo, Chikuma Gakugei Bunko) was damaged.


ホメーロスの諸神賛歌」(沓掛良彦様訳、筑摩書房様 刊行 ちくま学芸文庫)が被害を受けました。


Click here to apologize for the plagiarism on the official FGO website

【ご報告とお詫び】「ディオスクロイ」のフレーバーテキストの修正につきまして | Fate/Grand Order 公式サイト

Click here to read Morise's apology for being subcontracted to investigate the anecdote

クロノクラフト − 森瀬繚 文藝工房




Fate/Grand Order material Ⅷ ... suspicion of plagiarism

Fate/Grand Order material Ⅷ内に剽窃の疑い



the victim of plagiarism is "Napoleon: The End of the Czar's Tyranny" (page 570, published by Takashi Nagatsuka, Bunshun Bunko).

The source of the literature was given to us by the administrator of that personal site.

剽窃元と疑われているのは、「ナポレオン 下巻 覇者専横の末路」(長塚隆二著 刊行 文春文庫) 570ページ。(文献の出典は、その個人サイトの管理人が教えていただいた)


However, for the following reasons, there is now an allegation that he plagiarized the above book from personal website "Senate Museum of Private Materials".


 Summary: There is a typographical error in the quotation of a personal site, and the quotation does not correspond to the original "Napoleon: The End of the Czar's Tyranny". Fate/Grand Order material VII has the same typo. So there is a strong suspicion that FGO did not purchase the above book and requoted it from a personal site. 

要約:個人サイトが引用する際に誤字があり、引用元の「ナポレオン 下巻 覇者専横の末路」と一致しない箇所がある。Fate/Grand Order material Ⅶにも同じ誤字があるため、上記の本を購入せずに、個人サイトから孫引きした可能性がある。

Of course, it's also possible that FGO cited the same references and misspelled them in the same way. (Even then, the problem arises because it's not in the form of a citation.)



Here's a blog post from someone who verified the plagiarism. (It's written in Japanese.)


ナポレオンの剽窃疑惑とそこから見えてくるもの。 - ivforafuの日記


Qin Liangyu


It's not plagiarism.




Antonio Salieri (under verification)


Fate/Grand Order material VII ...... suspicion of plagiarism


the victim of plagiarism is "The Court Musician who was erased by Salieri Mozart" (By Akiyoshi Mizutani, 2004)

剽窃の被害を受けたのは、「サリエーリ ーモーツァルトに消された宮廷楽長」 (著 水谷彰良 2004)と思われます。

On page 107 of Fate/Grand Order material VII, there is a conversation between Rohoritz and Salieri.
This sentence matched "The Court Musician who was erased by Salieri Mozart" (By Akiyoshi Mizutani, 2004). p.177

Fate/Grand Order material VIIの107ページにロホリッツとサリエリの会話がありますが、この文章が、「サリエーリ ーモーツァルトに消された宮廷楽長」 (著 水谷彰良 2004)p.177と一致しました。


There is a detailed verification result in this article. (This article was written in Japanese only.)



There are other allegations, but let's see if there really was plagiarism.
I encourage you to actually compare the books.

Translation: Dioscuro Plagiarism on FGO and the distrust of TYPE-MOON

I translated the article by this person with permission.

Read the original article here.

今回のディオスクロイ剽窃騒動とそれに纏わるTYPE-MOONへの不信感について - ivforafuの日記

 (The following is an English translation of the Japanese article.)



 Hello. My name is OLAFU.
Do you know about the plagiarism racket in the smart phone game "Fate/Grand Order"?
This uproar is now an issue centered on Twitter in Japan.

Summary of FGO Plagiarism

A suspicion surfaced that the profile text of the Servant Dioscuroi, which was implemented in April of this year, was plagiarized from "Homer's Hymn to the Gods" (translated by Yoshihiko Kutsukake and published by Chikuma Shobo).

A few weeks after that point, on May 13
FGO posted 'Apology' on the official page in the 'Bug' section. On that page, it was mentioned that the text of the plagiarism part of the game had been changed.
In addition, an apology was posted on the official Twitter and HP of Morise, who has been working on the setting of TYPE-MOON works including FGO.


Point 1: Contradictions in the Apology

According to Morise's apology, the plagiarism issue arose because Morise was tasked with compiling a report on Dioscuro's mythological interpretations and other aspects of the story, but failed to specify the source of the quotation in the report he delivered to the writer.
This explains why plagiarism is not something that was done intentionally by someone else.

According to Morise's explanation, the writer who was in charge of the text copied and pasted the text from Morise's report as it was, and released it without checking it at the company.

It is also problematic that Morise did not specify the source of the citation in his report. However. Based on Morise's explanation, I believe that the writer who was in charge of the text copied and pasted the text of Morise's report as it was, and published it without checking it at the company.

This is inconsistent with the past explanation of TYPE-MOON.

In the past interview, "All the text of FGO was supervised by Kinoko Nasu" and they have professed, but this time, because the copy was left as it is, This raises the suspicion that the"Was it really supervised by Kinoko Nasu?

If Morise's report in the apology letter is a lie and it means that Kinoko Nasu or other writers plagiarized from the book in question, they can keep their declaration of "Nasu Kinoko supervised", but in any case, it is outrageous to plagiarize other writers' works as a writer.


Point2: The dishonesty of the apology

There is also some dishonesty in the way he apologizes.
It's obvious that FGO plagiarized, but the fact that FGO treats the plagiarism apology as a "glitch" feels out of place.

 No.2. They didn't announce the apology on the official Twitter and you can't see it on their website until you go through a few steps.

 No.3. Morise apologized for forgetting to specify the source of the report. However, it was the writer who copied the text from that report. There is no statement in Morise's stuff that he wrote the text. In this case, I think it would be appropriate for the writer who made the copy and paste to apologize. It is unclear because the writer in charge has not been revealed. The writer in charge of FGO only RT'd Morise's tweets on Twitter, or tweeted "Please give my regards" (I don't know what they mean) with a link to the apology.

 Point 3: Decreased credit

From this point of view, I have the impression that my trust in TYPE-MOON has diminished.

In the commentary of the case book of Lord Ermeroy II published by TYPE-MOON, there is a sentence "The TYPE-MOON world is like a deep sea, and FGO is a shallow coral reef that is beautiful by itself, but there is a different kind of fun when you dive into it". I used to think that was exactly what I was doing.

Also, in the interview, Nasu Kinoko said
Once the writer in charge has decided on a Servant to appear, he or she will purchase a book and research the background of the great man. I want to do my job with pride and not borrow only the names of great men.
From these statements and the fact that a person who is an expert on the setting was hired, it was evident that the TYPE-MOON world has a well-developed worldview and that the story is being woven in light of the actual myths and traditions of the world.

However, what has come to light this time is the fact that he was copying and pasting reports received from others and performing work that he likely did not even supervise.
I had been a fan for the above worldview, but at this point I felt betrayed and depressed.
However, even if there were problems with the response and thought process, this time they apologized politely, and they might review the production system in the future, so I was inclined to believe them in the future.

 However, the uproar did not end here.

Suspicion of other crimes.

Late at night after the apology was posted, one user tweeted it out on Twitter. I wonder if another part of Dioscuro's description is also plagiarizing from a personal site. and.
I decided to test it to see if it was true or not.
The result of that verification is the following tweet.



This is not something that can be excused. To be honest, I was more disappointed than angry.
I can't believe he plagiarized the same Servant twice!
What was the "unintentional" explanation for that!
Maybe there's more plagiarism that hasn't been discovered yet!

My mind is filled with such feelings.
I just listed three dishonesty, and I would say that this is the biggest manifestation of dishonesty.
It seemed to be a policy that as long as it wasn't discovered, it was fine, and the "unintentional" explanation raised the suspicion that it would be as close to a lie as possible.

As my feelings gradually subside, I'm starting to get angry that I've been licking the users and fans too much.
What was it about the elaborate worldview that I loved?
No matter how good the writing and setting are, I am angry at the people responsible for this work, including Kinoko Nasu, who has no intention of taking responsibility for it.
In my mind, the glittering world of TYPE-MOON has instantly changed into an abomination.


It's a bit of a story, but there have been times when I've felt a bit strange about Nasu Kinoko and her creators.

For example, just before the release of the FateHF movie, a TYPE-MOON employee made a vulgar comment " jerk off before watching the movie".
(There is an expression of sexual intercourse in this work, but it was not deleted because it was necessary for the storyline.)


For example, it's a collection of setting material that was burned by Nasu Kinoko.
As he says in the interview, "I want the world to have rules", Nasu Kinoko is laying down rules in the world, which is one of the charms of him works, and he is selling them as a collection of materials (= commercialization).
If he treats it as something he didn't have the right to do, it means that the book he bought with his money will be out of paper.


However, in this case, it is clearly a crime.
They are trying to monetize other people's works by using them without their permission. I could not help but think that they were finished as human beings when I saw that the company and the person in charge tried to get away with it with a single word, "The outsourcing company did it," and tried to cover up other wrongdoings that were not discovered.

How I personally think and act as a fan is irrelevant to TYPE-MOON. However, I think it's strange that they don't try to improve it at all by ending the ruckus this time with this state of affairs.

I'm not a famous or influential person as an individual. But somehow we want to take this issue in a better direction. I want to loudly tell the whole world that what is wrong is wrong. That's why I'm writing this article.


If you can sympathize with this issue, I would appreciate it if you would discuss this issue more or post this blog.
Thank you very much for reading this far.

Do you know the plagiarism of the smartphone game "Fate / Grand Order?"

Note: I am Japanese and my English is not very good.

Let me start by saying that this article is very personal.




Until the plagiarism was discovered

 In April 2020, "Dioscuro" was implemented as a new character in Japan's "Fate/Grand Order".
2020年4月、日本の「Fate/Grand Order」に、新しいキャラクターとして「ディオスクロイ」が実装された。

On April 27, one point was made on Twitter by a fan of the game about its Dioscuro.
"I wonder if a character's description is plagiarized from a particular book.
(The tweet that pointed it out has already been deleted).



Fans suspected that Fate / Grand Order had plagiarized from "Homer's Anthem" (translated by Yoshihiko Kutsukake, published by Chikuma Shobo, Chikuma Gakugei Bunko).
そのファンは、Fate / Grand Orderのディオスクロイの説明文は「ホメーロスの諸神賛歌」(沓掛良彦 訳、筑摩書房 刊行 ちくま学芸文庫)から剽窃したのではないか、と疑いました。



On May 13th, Fate/Grand Order's management company admitted that part of Dioscuro's description was plagiarism.
5月13日、Fate/Grand Orderの運営会社はディオスクロイの説明文の一部が剽窃である事を認めました。


 Problems in response

However, there was a buzz on the internet about the company being dishonest about its response.


 If you're worried about how Japanese players will react, try searching for "fgo 剽窃".

 日本のプレイヤーの反応が気になるのならば、「fgo 剽窃」で検索してみるといい。


Also, I think there are some issues with it.



 Problem 1: Plagiarism is called plagiarism.

 First of all, an "apology report" for plagiarism is treated as a "glitch".


The fact that the management company is treating the stealing as a "glitch" in the first place makes no sense.


 Moreover, there is yet another problem.


In 'Fate/Grand Order', 'Notification' will be shown every time you start the app. You can also view the latest information on the official website by opening the "News" section.

Fate/Grand Order」ではアプリを起動させると毎回「お知らせ」が表示される。公式サイトでも、「ニュース」を開くと、直近の情報を閲覧する事ができる。

However, articles in the "glitch" category can't be checked from the front page of the news.


Since the plagiarism apology exists in the "glitch" category, viewers have to bother going to the "glitch" category.


 In fact, if you go to the official website and take a look at it, you'll quickly see that it's hard to see the plagiarism apology.


 Problem 2: Lack of notice

 You would think,"It's certainly hard to access, but wouldn't it be a problem if you posted a link to the article with the apology on Twitter or some other tool?"


 As of 20:00 on May 14th, however, the official Twitter page of Fate/Grand Order didn't even tweet about plagiarism, let alone access an apology for plagiarism.

しかし、Fate/Grand Orderの公式ツイッターでは5月14日20時現在、剽窃の謝罪文へのアクセスどころか、剽窃した事すらツイートしていないのだ。

 The plagiarism apology says, "Fixed it at 16:30 update on Wed May 13th", but there's no mention of it on Twitter.

剽窃の謝罪文では、「5月13日(水) 16:30の更新で修正した」と書いてあるが、Twitterではそれについて一切触れられていない。

Even if you play the game every day or follow the official Fate/Grand Order Twitter, you can still have players who don't even know they're plagiarizing.

ゲームを毎日遊んでいても、Fate/Grand Orderの公式ツイッターをフォローしていても、剽窃した事すら知らないままのプレイヤーが発生しうるのだ。

 As a matter of general common sense, if a company has been grossly negligent, they will make an effort to make their response known. However, Fate/Grand Order's management company did no such thing.

一般常識として、企業が重大な過失をしたならば、対応を周知するように努力するだろう。しかし、Fate/Grand Orderの運営会社はそのような事をしなかった。

 It's as if they're acting as if they don't want people to know they're plagiarizing.


 Problem 3: Sloppy work.

There are other problems as well.


In the interview article linked below, Nasu Kinoko that supervisor of this game, sa answers this about creating a single Servant.
“It takes about a week or two for the writer in charge to read the material and create the Servant's setting.”
“It's the main writer's job to produce the Servant in charge.”


 However, the "materials" were actually collected by an outside company. As a result, plagiarism occurred because the writer in charge used text that had been left over from material collected by an outside contractor.


 In the following link, you can see the apology of the subcontractor.


 クロノクラフト − 森瀬繚 文藝工房

>先ごろ、スマートフォン向けゲーム『Fate/Grand Order』において、「ディオスクロイ」のギリシャローマ神話原典中のエピソードをリサーチする作業を当方にて外注でお請けしました。

>この際、提出したレポート中に参考文献のひとつである書籍『ホメーロスの諸神讚歌』(沓掛良彦様 訳、筑摩書房様 刊行 ちくま学芸文庫)の文言が残っている箇所があり、結果的にキャラクタープロフィールに流用が発生する原因を作ってしまいました。


If what the subcontractor said happened, then the writer in charge created the Servant without thinking creativeness.


What was it that "the writer in charge read the material and spent a week or two creating the Servant's setting"?


The contract between the writer in charge and the outsourcer is unclear, but it deviates from what was said in the interview.


That's a very sloppy creative attitude.



 Problem 4: Are they plagiarizing anything else?

There are other points of concern, such as the allegation that another part of Dioscuro's description was plagiarized from a personal site.

But, that's not a definite thing yet, Please use your own judgment.





The reputation of the "Fate brand" has taken a turn for the worse.

Because they're plagiarizing,and they have lost their pride as writers.



*1:It should be noted that the translator, Yoshihiko Kutsukake, is still alive and the copyright to this book still exists.